Thank you for using ScreamSaver. We are sure that you will find it helpful. ScreamSaver is a pro-active tool for preventing computer related injuries such as over-use injuries of fingers and wrists, back and neck pain and eye-strain. You are actively reminded to take regular breaks and to perform stretching exercises. You can control how intrusive it is and often you are reminded to take a break. A comprehensive safety training package is included. You may only use ScreamSaver for a maximum of 30 days after which you will need to buy a licence to continue using it and obtain a password from us within this time which will allow it to keep running. Contents of this file: A. How to Install ScreamSaver B. Troubleshooting the installation of ScreamSaver C. How to un-install ScreamSaver D. How to order ScreamSaver ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- A. How to install ScreamSaver (N.B. If you have previously installed the demonstration of ScreamSaver, please un-install it before installing this version. Please read the current help file or see the Uninstall section of this file for details.) 1. Print out this page for easier reference before installing ScreamSaver. These instructions may seem long but they are very simple to perform and are explained in great detail and clarity for your benefit and ease of use. You will find that they are easy and quick to follow. 2. Install ScreamSaver: In Windows 3: In File Manager, find the directory where the ScreamSaver files were extracted to and run "setup.exe" by double- clicking it with your mouse. In Windows 95: In Windows Explorer, find the directory where the ScreamSaver files were extracted to and run "setup.exe" by double- clicking it with your mouse. Follow the instructions which appear on your screen. (see the troubleshooting section later in this help file if you are unsure how to do this). Please use the default settings unless you have a particular reason not to. Please write down the name of the directory where you have installed ScreamSaver if you choose another directory. Starting ScreamSaver when opening Windows (optional): During the installation process you are asked if you want ScreamSaver to automatically start up when you open Windows. Please select Yes or No. P.S. You can do this later from within the program. 3. Close down Windows, turn your computer off and then restart it again. 4. Run ScreamSaver: Run ScreamSaver in the same way that you would run any other program: In Windows 3: Find the ScreamSaver group and run the ScreamSaver icon. In Windows 95: Press the START button, select PROGRAMS, select the 'ScreamSaver' group and select the ScreamSaver icon. The ScreamSaver screen will then appear. It will not do anything until the specified time is up when it will reappear to prompt you to take a break. If you want you can change the settings by using the settings button. Read the help file for more information by pressing the "F1" button at any time. This version will run for 30 days. 5. Install the ScreamSaver screen saver which is installed at the same time as ScreamSaver. This will allow you to make best use of ScreamSaver. Please read the help file for installation details. If you have purchased ScreamSaver: You will need to contact us to obtain your password. Contact Infinite Innovations Ltd at Innovation House, 71 Sheldon Road, Sheffield, S7 1GU, UK or by email at or by phone/fax on (UK) 0870 9026141 (national call rates apply in the UK) If you would like to purchase a fully working and licensed version of ScreamSaver please refer to the Help file for more information or contact Infinite Innovations Ltd at Innovation House, 71 Sheldon Road, Sheffield, S7 1GU, UK or by email at or by phone/fax on (UK) 0870 9026141 (national call rates apply in the UK) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- B. Troubleshooting the installation of ScreamSaver If you experience an error with installing ScreamSaver, please ensure that you have closed down all other programs while you are installing it. Some programs such as virus checkers and Microsoft Office can cause installation problems. To see what programs you have got running and to be able to close them down you should: In Windows 3.x: Press the CONTROL and ESCAPE keys at the same time In Windows 95: Press the CONTROL and the ALT and the DELETE keys at the same time ONCE only. You will then see a list of programs which are open. Select the ones you want to close down and press the END TASK button. (Please note that you should not close down "Program Manager" or "Explorer".) (N.B. If you are concerned about closing down a virus checker then first scan these disks before doing so.) If you are told that there has been a conflict in running the installation package but you have checked that no other files are open, please exit and restart Windows and try again after closing down the extra programs again. Unfortunately Windows has some problems with it and very occasionally this has had to be done to install properly. If you have done all of the above and still experience difficulties in installing ScreamSaver please contact our technical support by email at or by phone on (UK) 0870 9026141. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C. How to un-install ScreamSaver If you need to un-install ScreamSaver (eg at the end of your evaluation period) then this is how you do it: In Windows 3.x: Delete the ScreamSaver program group and icons by selecting them and pressing the delete button. If you have setup ScreamSaver to run automatically when you enter Windows, then you must delete the icon in your StartUp group in Program Manager Find and delete the directory where the ScreamSaver files were installed. For full details on doing this, please refer to your Windows manual. In Windows 95: In the Control Panel section you will have a section for adding and removing applications. Use this section to remove ScreamSaver. For full details on doing this, please refer to your Windows manual. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- D. Ordering ScreamSaver If you find ScreamSaver useful and beneficial then why don't you recommend it to your friends and colleagues? If you or they would like to purchase a fully working and licensed version of ScreamSaver please refer to the Help file for more information or contact Infinite Innovations Ltd at Innovation House, 71 Sheldon Road, Sheffield, S7 1GU, UK or by email at or by phone/fax on (UK) 0870 9026141 (national call rates apply in the UK)